After obtaining the recommendations of the Advisory Committee, Government of India (GOI) notified on 26th June 2020 certain criteria for classifying the enterprises as Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) […]
Highlights of the Scheme are:- This Scheme seeks to extend support to the promoter(s) of the operational MSMEs which are stressed and have become NPA as on 30th April, 2020; Promoter(s)[…]
As per the Section 7(1) of Micro Small or Medium Enterprises Development Act-2006 provides for classification of enterprises engaged in manufacturing or production of goods as well as enterprises engaged[…]
With the motive to provide the various kinds of exemptions, subsidies & incentives and to promote the Medium, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) and Small Scale Industries (SSI) Sector, The[…]
Aadhaar Number – 12 digit Aadhaar number issued to the applicant should be filled in the appropriate field. Name of Owner- The applicant should fill his/her name strictly as mentioned[…]